- deleting diagnoses (self-fulfilling prophecy)
- deleting allergies
- exporting heavy metals
- exporting disturbances caused by radiation
- removal of karmic blockades
- removal of prenatal blockades
- reprogramming of the life matrix
- distant healing
- delayed healing impulses (both in the past as well as in the future)
- long-time distant healing
- therapeutic conversation
- production and use of spiritual medic – A – ments
- healing with spiritual helpers
- healing with crystals
- extending of the sensual perceptions (clairvoyance, aura seeing, perception of bodily organs, mind-reading )
- amazinGRACE® – order of the aura
- contacts to the hereafter – if desired
- firewalking – if desired
- YagnaSan® = a Vedic ritual, a method for healing, self-healing and for healing the proximity
- Clearise® – dejamming the home, flat and the workplace, converting tap-water to dextrorotary healing water, removing of alien energies
- Manufacturing of healing accessories – such as soles, amulets, foils, gemlets